Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

What's on your mind?

I ran accross the new SAT scores accross America and it got me thinking of different people and cultures. There is a "view-state-by-state" link in the article that is pretty surprising. I expected the coastal states to do better than the fly-over-midwestern states. Not so...the midwest and "ole' south" does surprisingly well. Then I started thinking about if there were any other correlations that could be made by analyzing scores. There are tons.

The elections came to mind first. So, I went to a state-by-state (blue/red) map of the state results from the last election. Turns out that most of the blue states do considerably worse on SAT test scores than red states. Who's smarter? I was going to tally up exact numbers and statistically analyze it, but then I thought...I just need to get...nevermind.

Then I thought about race and what differences could be made there. I remember back in college I read a controversial book called The Bell Curve that was interesting (but one-sided I thought). Anyway, I ran accross an interesting article that talks about blacks and their SAT scores here that is right up my alley. They have the lowest scores of any minority group (Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, etc) After reading this I began to wonder so many things. Here are some random thoughts I think about:

Why are most quarterbacks white?
Why are most offensive lineman white?
Why are most defensive lineman black?

Why do most TV newsman/announcers that are white (Michael Irvin being only exception)
Why do most professional athletes that are black say "Hi MOM" to the TV. Where's Dad?
Why are there no black stock-brokers? (I am sure there are, but I haven't ever seen any)
Side note: Why are there no-to-few women stock brokers? (I actually looked into this one and psychologists say that it has to do with ego and making quick decisions...sorry ladies)

Which comes first: Being rich...or being smart? This article talks about highest SAT scores correlating to being rich. However, most rich people have worked hard and are smart. So by being smart...led them to being rich? Nurture vs Nature?

In other words, most black people (on average) are poor or middle class. So are they there because they are not smart? Or is everyone else racist? What about the black people that do become rich? Lucky or smart? I wonder if you asked the rich black people and the poor black people what their SAT scores were (given that most poor blacks may not have even taken the SAT) if there would be a correlation between rich and high SAT scores. I bet there would.

I guess it seems to me that one must be raised to work hard. To learn. To get smarter. All the other stuff will fall into place. Luck is when preparation meets an opportunity. I don't think many are preparing themselves or their children. They just want the opportunity.

I am with Bill Cosby on this one...where are the parents at. Without them, the repetetive chain will never be broken.

So, what's on your mind?

Monday, August 28, 2006

Boston Blood Bath

Every time I tune into ESPN I witness another murder. Boston Red Sox that is. These guys are done for the season as I am concerned. The Yanks have them this year. According to a recent poll that I conducted on this site, 3 of you think the Yanks will win the World Series. One for Detroit. All were wrong though. Turns out there was only one winner in this poll and that was me with my choice of the St. Louis Cardinals. However, I still need to keep routing for Cincinatti to keep losing. Did you know: One of the pitchers for St. Louis Cardinals is named Braden Looper and is from Altus, Oklahoma. I used to play ball against him in high school and I remember he had a nasty curve ball. Anyway, it looks to be a great September for baseball and an even better October

BTW, congrats to the Georgia Little League team for winning the Little League World Series!

Also, new poll is available for voting.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Not 50 in 50 in 50, but I'll saddle up for 60 in 8...

If you would have told me 4 months ago that I would be training at 60 miles of running in 8 days...I think I would have told you to go f--- yourself. But that was 4 months ago.

Over the past 8 days I have had two days of rest. The other 6 days I covered 60 miles of running. That's an average of about 10 miles each day of training.

I just got done running 18 miles for my long run. I was even able to train to a negative split (John and Chris might be the only ones who know what this is). Next Sunday will be a full 20 miles for the long run. Incredible. Here is the breakdown of the past 8 days:

Sunday: 16 mile run

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 8.5 miles of interval sprints (2.5 mile warm up, 3 x 1 mile interval sprints, 3 miles @ 8.15 for each mile)

Wednesday: 6.5 mile hill runs (goal is to really push yourself up the hills)

Thursday: 3.5 mile run (I was actually going to run 9, but had a rain out)

Friday: 7.5 mile run (Pace work here...I think we made it around 8.15 to 8.30)

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: 18 mile run (negative split)

Next week brings more intensity and harder training. I get to eat all the good food I want and train like a madman. I am on my way to being ready for the marathon.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Malcom in the middle...

For all of you that haven't read Blink or Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell -- you are missing out on two page turners. They are both very interesting reads. Like the boys of Freakonomics (blog is linked in the blogroll on this site!), Malcom has been blogging as well. I decided to add his site to our blogroll because reading their (sometimes daily) entries is like reading their book all over again -- except it's all new information. Cool stuff here! Anyway, check out Malcom Gladwell's blog here or on the blogroll. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

No more Pluto!

Check this out Dad! Pluto is gone!...and then there were eight...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The inside scoop!

I have a buddy who girlfriend's cousin lives in Colorado and just sent us this. Now I must remind you that not even CNN has this kind of coverage. I will post any updates to this as I get it. You will have the opportunity to "get it here first!" Consider yourself lucky! Here is the email from my buddy's girlfriend's cousin:

"My co-worker's daughter works in the Colorado police force and was able to get us this update on John Karr. I cannot reveal the name because this could eventually become the best source of news information we have on this important news and I don't want to reveal my source. At 0831 a.m., John Karr was escorted to the bathroom. My source says that he was in there for about 7 minutes until 0838 a.m.. Some sources like CNN, MSN, and Rueters have reported that he only went number 1. However, my source tells me that he definitely went number 2! You heard it here first and I'll do my best to keep you guys updated."

Well, as you can heard it here first guys. Consider yourself lucky!

Obesity is bad?

According to this new study, obesity is bad for you. Thanks for clearing that up.

Eskimo Joe Run

Stillwater, Oklahoma -- I was trying to find a race that I could run in September and this may be just the right thing. It is Saturday, September 23rd. Anyone heard of this? Keri? Anyway, if I am home during this time, I am going to run it. It's only a small 5K.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Tired of paying taxes? Request to become an illegal alien...

I thought that this was a pretty clever letter. It was written by a man and sent to his Senator asking to change his status from a citizen to become an illegal alien. Pretty clever. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

50 marathons in 50 days in 50 states!

This is just insane! . The thing I found crazy was that he added an extra marathon one day...for fun? Also of note, he averages a little under 9 minutes per mile. At any rate, I am just training for only one marathon. I ran a sweet 16 miles yesterday for the long run. I am headed to 18 miles next Sunday for the next long run. No where near the 50 insane marathons this guy is doing.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Blog talk

The Street (which I have linked) has been releasing articles everyday called Daily Blog Watch. Pretty interesting business (and other) blogs noted there. That was how I found metacafe for instance. I also have the Freakonomics blog linked on this site as well. Anyway, The Street's Daily Blog Watch has linked the Freak's blog for the second time that I have noticed. I know I am a daily reader of that blog and it looks like the blog watcher for The Street does as well. Good on ya. Check it out here and when you get there, click on "business models". Or just get there by my link on this site. Also, there is a good blog link to what Buffett is up to as well called "changes in Buffett's porfolio". Interesting (for geeks like me anyway). Enjoy!

Crackdown on illegal immigration or are the special interest groups for illegal aliens cracking down on the crackdown?

Some towns are taking it upon themselves to crackdown on illegal immigration. Now the special interest groups for illegal aliens are suing them for doing so -- claiming that the laws are unconstitutional. Basically, the towns were tired of the federal government not doing anything about it and took it upon themselves to inact local laws.

One of the things I found interesting about was the the interest groups claim on one subject from the article:

"Riverside's ordinance is placing business owners and landlords in a predicament whereby they will be afraid to hire or rent to a legal immigrant who is perceived to be an 'illegal alien,' thus giving rise to national origin discrimination," it contends.

I don't see the predicament. So, I did some research. I went online to see what is required fields to fill in on an apartment application. Turns out that there were several not-so-suprising surprises. A social security number is required on every application that I ran across. Same goes for all the job applications I ran across.

Where's the predicament? If I am a renter or business owner and no SSN can be provided...sorry, can't rent it. Can't hire you. Predicament solved right? I am sure there are other gray areas here, but it seems to me that there is a list somewhere to prove citizenship and that should be easy. If the documents are forged...then that's the cops problems.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Can a preacher answer God's calling without being a good public speaker?

I ran across the religion channel the other day and began to listen to a preacher. He was talking about Peter this and Peter that at the time. I started wondering if just anyone could be a preacher or is having good public speaking skills a pre-requisite?

The definition of preach is 1) to deliver a sermon and 2) to speak or argue in favor of. So even according to the definition, you cannot preach without speaking. Hence, you must have good public speaking skills to even get into the field of preaching.

I wonder if there is some assistant manager working at McDonalds somewhere saying, "If only I had good public speaking skills. I could have followed my dream of being a preacher." Food for thought anyway.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

How to post a link

Teach and training time.

I have noticed that when you all post a link, you post it how it looks when you paste it. I thought I would attempt to explain another way to make it more reader-friendly. John posted this yesterday: .

Let's say you just wanted to have that read: Karate. It's easy.
1- First link it to your post the normal way by clicking on the link button and pasting it where you want.
2- Then click on the "Edit Html" button next to the "Compose button". Here you will see where the Html code is for the link you just posted.
3- Here is where it may get tricky for some.

It won't let me explain how to do it properly here, but go the the Blogger Help and ask how to do it and it can explain it better than I can. In fact, here is that link: Blogger link help. Good luck!

So now your link can read Cool Karate! .

On another note, the calendar stays. The vote was in and we all realize the importance of knowing what day it is. It stays. Check out the new poll on who will win the World Series? Don't forget to vote!

Also, check out the new 60 minutes link. I watched the Mike Wallace interview of the Iranian President last night and it was very interesting (Note: boring for age 25 and under -- see Daily Show link). Anyway, the link has a read all of the interview if interested. Also, check out what ole' Andy Rooney has to say. He is funny and insightfull. The Colbert interview script is funny too. He is all about the "truthiness". I also added some new blogs to the blogroll. Enjoy!

This Week's Adventures

Hello All--We had friends over this week, so Katrina scheduled something everyday of the week. We went to a WNBA game, AAA baseball game, zoo w/ evening concert and more. I have attached some of the pictures for your viewing pleasure. There is one of Kaleb and I after this week. I had a 12.4 mile race today. I wanted to give Steve the splits. He has been asking my pace for different runs. 6:39, 6:35, 6:45, 6:57, 7:04, 6:32 (downhill), 7:05, 7:13 (uphill), 6:55, 6:49, 6:45, 6:47, and 2:46 (0.4). I had a total time of 1:24:58. This was my longest distance run of the summer. I had only went 11 miles last Sunday. I have never ran just a half marathon, but my fastest half of the full marathon is 1:27:30. I had Isshin-Ryu Karate training this Saturday. We started conditioning our arms to take a blow. My are are very sore. I told Chris I would give him some websites on Isshin-Ryu, so they are attached if anyone wants to see the art I am studying under an Army Ranger here on Bolling. On a different note, my nipple started bleeding from the rubbing on the shirt during todays run. That is the first time I have had that happen. My calfs are also sore from the run. I guess: No Pain; No Gain! Peace Out (I stole this from Chris) He had a spell a year ago where he would say this all the time. I will give you $50 for the diebetes foundation. If you need it before the race, I will need you to e-mail me your address again. I plan to run the MCM between 3:16:38 and 3:29:45. My PR is 3:23:39. I just hope my legs don't give out. My hip is still bothering me as well. I guess I better go, before something else breaks.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Google upgrade

Google added a new item to their homepage today. I think it is great! It is called Google Video. They have so many great clips. The best part is that you can search for them. Type in anything you are interested in and it will have the best ones available for viewing. Like card tricks? Check it out. Sports clips. Yep. Anything! Pretty cool. My previous resource for viewing cool clips is at Metacafe. It will now be a close second to the mastery of Google. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Following the crowd

Sometimes following the crowd can be a good thing. There is a lot of good insight in the book called The Wisdom of Crowds. However, when it comes to athletes...following the crowd is a bad thing. Take the newest num-nuts out of the gate: Floyd Landis. He has made every excuse up in the book that he didn't take steriods even when two tests confirmed it. (Except maybe that his dog ate his vitamins and replaced them with steroids).

In this day and age of steriod accusations, I would for once like to see an athlete accussed say, "Okay, you have accused me. Let's head down to the testing lab right now and take care of this rumor." Alas, no one has done this. NOT ONE!

So what does this say about the professional athlete? In my opinion, it makes all that are accused: GUILTY. I hate it but it's true. All of my childhood favorate baseball heroes have been accused. From Barry Bonds to Rafael Palmero to Lance Armstrong. I just hate to see that my all time grade school/high school hero (Mark McGuire) is on the list too. He refuses to cooperate with an investigation to take him down. I guess you could argue that those type of drugs were not illegal for baseball athletes when he was playing. There is a fine line. He might not get into the Hall of Fame because of the accusations. I just wish one "hero" would step up and squash the rumors. Only one has come boy Albert Pujois of the 2006 World Series Champions St. Louis Cardinals! He has said for years that he is good ole' genetics. I believe him. He has taken test after test and has also remained steady since he joined the majors if you look at his stats.

Okay, the Cards are not champions yet, but I can still root for it!

Blogging is everywhere (Part II)

Here we go again! Blogging began with its roots in the presidential elections years back. Howard Dean was virtually a long shot years ago, but was able to raise so much money through blogging, that he became a legitimate candidate (although he still go whipped!). Blogging is everywhere and still remains an election campaign tool. During the recent Connecticut democratic primary, Joe Lieberman conceded to advisary Ned Lamont. So why did he lose?

I tend to think that it is because he refused to go on the Colbert Report (Ned Lamont accepted and made a Report appearance. BTW, if you haven't seen the Colbert's a close second to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Both are hilarious political/news satire shows. Very funny!). But many tend to think that the power of the blogger was at play here. Did bloggers really have that much influence on this election? Check it out here.

The power of the everyday blogger and reporter is here to stay. Enjoy and remember to keep blogging new thoughts and ideas! Who knows where it can lead?

Panda bear strikes again!

Most of you remember about me writing about the Panda bear headline phenomenon. We discussed that Panda bears between the US and China are more political pawns than cute, cudly bears. It still amazes me that they break out in the headlines. Now we find out that there is a Panda Bear Boom! in China. Just amazing! Not really, but for some reason we find it newsworthy every couple of weeks.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Here's one to consider

I received this from RC and it is a good one. One that ole' Levitt and Dubner would be proud of (if you don't know who these two are then your behind the learning curve. You don't have to be a 'freak' to figure this one out). Anyway, here is the cut:

"If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theatre of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of 2,112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers. The firearm death rate in Washington D.C. is 80.6 per 100,000 for the same period. That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot and killed in the U.S. Capitol, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq. Conclusion: The U.S. should pull out of Washington immediately."

Interesting indeed. I bet you could cut these percentages to many things. How about that cool show on Discovery channel called The Deadliest Catch about the Alaskan King Crab fisherman. The have a lot of men that die during the fishing season. How about talking to the Ask Men site here. There are some surprises on this list. Anyway, something to consider indeed.

Jury duty

I guess O. J. Simpson is back on trial. Public trial. I know he has been busy looking for the killer of his wife and friend. However, the public has decided to review this new material and put him back on trial. Enjoy!

I know what your thinking and the answer is NO!

This pertains to many of your questions I am sure.

"Is Chris the best looking brother?" Answer: NO

"Is John the best looking brother?" Answer: NO

"Will the Yankees win the World Series?" Answer: NO

"Will all the crazy animals leave Mom's garden alone?" Answer: NO

"Is Dad's favorate band the Spice Girls?" Answer: NO!

Maybe this one since we are on the subject of crazy, "Is Steve crazy?" Answer:...well, that one is up for debate.

BUT, here is the question that I know all of you are just itching to get the answer to. I have the answer!

You want to know: "Is it too late to make a small donation towards Steve's $850 fund drive to support him in running the Marine Corps Marathon on October 29th? Answer: NO!

This is sort of a last call I suppose (although I probably shouldn't make a last call on a site with such low trafficking visitors...jk...not really though). I have never been up for begging (soliciting...whatever). So if you would like to make a donation, is not for me (although I will have to pay the remaining amount left over minus donations)...the donations go towards the charity I am running for. I am running for research towards the Diabetes Action Team. So, if you would like...I would love to collect a donation towards Diabetes. Thanks to all!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Baby tips straight from the corn field of Iowa

I ran across some helpful feeding tips for my growing nephew. Every little bit helps. Enjoy!

Sex sells...right?

In this age of sex-selling mentality, I thought that I would give it a try. I have made some enhancements that I think 'some' of you may enjoy. First of all, I decided to get rid of the gas and oil tickers. We all know that it's getting out of hand and that we are going to be in big trouble in the years ahead.

I added a calendar so that we can all enjoy to see what day it is. I think I visit this site the most, so I decided to enhance the scenery a little. Since I value all of your opinions, I also added an opinion poll that allows all of you to vote on your opinion of the new calendar. I will be adding new poll questions every now and then...yep, trying to bring in more blog site traffic here. So don't forget to vote!

This brings me to my last enhancement: a blog visit counter. It tells how many people visit your site. It says around "20" right now, but that is only because it took me 19 times to make sure that today was the 7th of August on the calendar (he-he). Anyway, if any of you have any ideas (which is what this site is about), let me know and I can add it. Enjoy! today the 7th? I better check...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Summer of love...

I may be calling the shots a little too early, but I think we should see Oil prices hit 80$ in the next week or so. At least by the end of the month. I wish I wouldn't have deleted the previous blog I started last November. I remember predicting 80$ oil and $800 gold prices by September. Well, you can be rest assured that we are closing in on it.

Israel/Lebanon, Iraq war, Iran's up yours, and the old-fashioned supply and demand. Supply needs to be able to keep up with demand and this weekend's supply cut doesn't help. We haven't even hit hurricane season yet. I imagine the next hurricane path the points to the gulf will bump oil prices up around $3-4 alone. The world pot is stirring and heating up.

So get ready for higher gas prices and higher gold prices. Not to worry though because there are some tips for all you drivers out there (glad I'm not driving now!).

Climb that mountain!

Oberammergrau, Germany -- I spent Saturday morning and afternoon climbing a mountain of sorts. I have never really done this before (hike through trails up a mountain) and it was very refreshing! I thoroughly enjoyed this experience.

The morning started with a little cold rain. We spent the first half of the climb in the rain. We even had to find a rock cover to wait out the hard rain.

But then it got better at the top. It really seemed that we had climbe above the rain! Sunny and beautiful view of the villages below. We spent some time up there eating and drinking because it was a little over a 2 mile upward hike. Then we headed back down (through some more rain) and had a great big lunch. I must do some more hiking and climbing. It was great!

Then we headed to a beautiful golf course with mountain backdrops to golf 9 holes. I had a great time. Then we still were on the prowl and headed to Munich for some nighttime R & R. What a day trip!

Friday, August 04, 2006

For all you Trekkies out there...

This is hilarious! Check this out too! Enjoy!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Leaders struggle to shake election campaign addiction

Mrs. Clinton made a push for the 2008 election yesterday...uh...I mean she interviewed Mr. Donald Rumsfeld and other generals in a serious and intellectual discussion of the current status of the war.

As you know, Hilary has always been a leader. From these times by Bill's side, to just a year ago displaying her power as a Senator.

As she and others make their run for the elections, I sort of noticed a flip-flop the past two days and wonder if we will be flip-flopping all the way to '08?

It seemed that by the announcement yesterday by Iraqi President Jalal Talabani that Iraqi forces would take over by year's end could be interpreted as a blow to the Democratic party. Why? Because that would be a positive outcome in the region and there would be no "I told you so's" or one less thing to hit the Republicans with in the upcoming House and Senate elections this year. (although I personally think year's end is very optimistic...I tend to agree with some of the General's comments yesterday concerning that Iraq is on the verge of civil war)

Then yesterday, the Senate called upon military leaders for an election commercial...uh...I mean an update to the situation in the war on terror. Well, they were called failures and incompetent by the panel. They were beraded in a way that allowed leaders to establish campaign slogans and 6 o'clock sound bites. Why does everything have to be about getting elected? I thought it was the other way around. I thought that you got elected to support the people and make change if needed. To fix problems.

If you are always in constant "getting re-elected" phase...when is there time to focus on what you were elected to actually do?

Blogging is everywhere!

I can remember back in October writing about the power of blogging. It is everywhere now, and only getting stronger. It first began as a political junket for the inside scoop on the election race. Everyone is on the blog-wagon now.

I was first amazed by reading some of the articles by military personnel in Irag/Afghanistan. Well, ole' Uncle Sam put a stop to a lot of that. However, they did pour a lot of $ into the blogging world and now have set up an official government blog. Check it out: Military Blogs.

Then there is the technology that has come about. Everyone wants a piece. From advertising to sponsorship. If there is a cash flow available, the business will come. Cell phones are now being used like never before. Everything nowadays is about integration. Check this out: Cell phones.

Of course you can't talk about technology without talking about the Big Boys. Google actually bought the site I am currently writing on a while back. Now Microsoft wants to get in on the action. Read about their new developments here: Microsoft.

Tired of gas prices? Well fire it up here: Gas bloggers. Want business to provide feedback? They're on it here: Corparate bloggers. The sky is the limit!

What I find most interesting these days is checking out the thoughts on the ground in Israel and Lebanon. Very interesting thoughts, ideas, and reports pouring out of the region. Here you go: Bloggers Blogs.

So get on the bloggin ball out there. Talk about the heat. Talk about sports. Movies. Politics. Whatever...just get out there. I'll turn you guys before its all said and done. Enjoy the links...oh, btw...the link I have on the side to the Freakonomics guys is absolutely awesome! It's my favorate blog. It is basically like reading Freakonomics every posting they have. And a double-whammy btw, they are working on their sequel to Freakonomics called SuperFreakonomics! Can't wait for that release date! Enjoy!

Update: "Roe vs Wade...for men?"

I wrote and posted an article back in March about this case of Roe vs Wade...for men? It was one of the most successfull responded articles I have had on here and actually made everyone think and respond a little. So, I thought I would follow-up on it and update you all.

The original posting and responses are here: Life's Posting. It turns out that the judge threw out the case on ridiculousness (according to the update). The update to the case is located here: RvW Update.

I am kind of an old fashioned guy myself when it comes to supporting women and children. However, I still cannot help but to think about the equality of the sexes. It's kind of like in the old days when "All men are created equal". Oh, we were just talking about the "white" men. We eventually corrected that one. Equality among the sexes and race has made a lot of progress over the years, but even today...we are still trying for more. In the case of Roe vs Wade for will have to wait.

John's upgrade

John suggested the runner's sight by Hal Higdon. I went there and he is an interesting man with some great insight to a runner's success. So, we have our first suggested addition to this blog sight that wasn't mine! Wooo-hooo! Anyway, I have added ole' Hal's link to the Blogroll on the left. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

And now a moment of silence for...a teddy bear?

Turns out some happy-fun-dog got hold of Elvis' childhood teddy bear. Quite a scare! So for all you Elvis fans out there (ie., we mourn for the poor little teddy bear. Check it out here: Elvis teddy bear .

Sometimes it's good to be an OSU Cowboy fan!

Check it out here: Oops!

Marathon training plan

Stuttgart, Germany -- I am getting into the thick of my marathon training now. I officially received the registration ok from the Marine Corp Marathon Diabetes Foundation. I am officially in!

Thank Chris, Mom and Dad for your donations! I am about half-way to the 850$ that I will be raising for the Diabetes Foundation. Anyway, as I was training I thought that many of you might want to see my training plan (John?). Here is the link: Marathon Training Plan!. Once you get to the link you will have to scroll down to the bottom to see that there are 5 pages. Just keep clicking next to speed through if you like. I am sort of combining the beginner plan with the intermediate plan. It is very challenging. It even says on there that if you were to run the Marine Corps Marathon, that you should begin on July 12th. That is when I first noticed it. I am on about week 4 now. Well, enjoy the link!

Hall of fame trivia challenge

Well, I guess Utah pulled a quick one on me last month. HFMomma was bumped from the #1 spot. Anyway, you guys definitely like your trivia. Now if I could somehow get you to blog more?!%@ Baby steps. Here is the link to all scores since we began: Hall of Fame

Small upgrade

Stuttgart, Germany -- I know that we all enjoy movies. So, I figured it was about time to add a link that would tell us all about movies. It is a huge movie database and is the best one that I have found. It is very user friendly and allows you to manuever freely among just about anything you want to know about actors and movies. I deleted the Fox Sports sight. I don't think anyone was using it anyway. Enjoy the movie database under the links section!