Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Blog talk

The Street (which I have linked) has been releasing articles everyday called Daily Blog Watch. Pretty interesting business (and other) blogs noted there. That was how I found metacafe for instance. I also have the Freakonomics blog linked on this site as well. Anyway, The Street's Daily Blog Watch has linked the Freak's blog for the second time that I have noticed. I know I am a daily reader of that blog and it looks like the blog watcher for The Street does as well. Good on ya. Check it out here and when you get there, click on "business models". Or just get there by my link on this site. Also, there is a good blog link to what Buffett is up to as well called "changes in Buffett's porfolio". Interesting (for geeks like me anyway). Enjoy!


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