Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

How to post a link

Teach and training time.

I have noticed that when you all post a link, you post it how it looks when you paste it. I thought I would attempt to explain another way to make it more reader-friendly. John posted this yesterday: .

Let's say you just wanted to have that read: Karate. It's easy.
1- First link it to your post the normal way by clicking on the link button and pasting it where you want.
2- Then click on the "Edit Html" button next to the "Compose button". Here you will see where the Html code is for the link you just posted.
3- Here is where it may get tricky for some.

It won't let me explain how to do it properly here, but go the the Blogger Help and ask how to do it and it can explain it better than I can. In fact, here is that link: Blogger link help. Good luck!

So now your link can read Cool Karate! .

On another note, the calendar stays. The vote was in and we all realize the importance of knowing what day it is. It stays. Check out the new poll on who will win the World Series? Don't forget to vote!

Also, check out the new 60 minutes link. I watched the Mike Wallace interview of the Iranian President last night and it was very interesting (Note: boring for age 25 and under -- see Daily Show link). Anyway, the link has a read all of the interview if interested. Also, check out what ole' Andy Rooney has to say. He is funny and insightfull. The Colbert interview script is funny too. He is all about the "truthiness". I also added some new blogs to the blogroll. Enjoy!


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

Don't forget to vote on the mini poll!

Monday, August 14, 2006  

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