Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I know what your thinking and the answer is NO!

This pertains to many of your questions I am sure.

"Is Chris the best looking brother?" Answer: NO

"Is John the best looking brother?" Answer: NO

"Will the Yankees win the World Series?" Answer: NO

"Will all the crazy animals leave Mom's garden alone?" Answer: NO

"Is Dad's favorate band the Spice Girls?" Answer: NO!

Maybe this one since we are on the subject of crazy, "Is Steve crazy?" Answer:...well, that one is up for debate.

BUT, here is the question that I know all of you are just itching to get the answer to. I have the answer!

You want to know: "Is it too late to make a small donation towards Steve's $850 fund drive to support him in running the Marine Corps Marathon on October 29th? Answer: NO!

This is sort of a last call I suppose (although I probably shouldn't make a last call on a site with such low trafficking visitors...jk...not really though). I have never been up for begging (soliciting...whatever). So if you would like to make a donation, is not for me (although I will have to pay the remaining amount left over minus donations)...the donations go towards the charity I am running for. I am running for research towards the Diabetes Action Team. So, if you would like...I would love to collect a donation towards Diabetes. Thanks to all!


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

Save it all for your move. I know it can be challenging during moves like this. That was why. If you must, then I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Saturday, August 12, 2006  

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