Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Climb that mountain!

Oberammergrau, Germany -- I spent Saturday morning and afternoon climbing a mountain of sorts. I have never really done this before (hike through trails up a mountain) and it was very refreshing! I thoroughly enjoyed this experience.

The morning started with a little cold rain. We spent the first half of the climb in the rain. We even had to find a rock cover to wait out the hard rain.

But then it got better at the top. It really seemed that we had climbe above the rain! Sunny and beautiful view of the villages below. We spent some time up there eating and drinking because it was a little over a 2 mile upward hike. Then we headed back down (through some more rain) and had a great big lunch. I must do some more hiking and climbing. It was great!

Then we headed to a beautiful golf course with mountain backdrops to golf 9 holes. I had a great time. Then we still were on the prowl and headed to Munich for some nighttime R & R. What a day trip!


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

The day started at 7am. We drove about 2hrs to the mountain. Got done climbing around 1:30pm. We ate lunch. Drove to Garmish and were golfing by around 3:30. Got done golfing 9 holes around 6:30. Drove to Munich and went to meet a bunch of people at Hard Rock Cafe. And left there around midnight. I got home two hrs later here in Stutgart around 2am. Long day, but very fun! Sunday I got up and ran 12 miles. My legs were a little sore from climbing the mountain and walking 9 holes, but I somehow got it done.

Sunday, August 06, 2006  

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