Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Update: "Roe vs Wade...for men?"

I wrote and posted an article back in March about this case of Roe vs Wade...for men? It was one of the most successfull responded articles I have had on here and actually made everyone think and respond a little. So, I thought I would follow-up on it and update you all.

The original posting and responses are here: Life's Posting. It turns out that the judge threw out the case on ridiculousness (according to the update). The update to the case is located here: RvW Update.

I am kind of an old fashioned guy myself when it comes to supporting women and children. However, I still cannot help but to think about the equality of the sexes. It's kind of like in the old days when "All men are created equal". Oh, we were just talking about the "white" men. We eventually corrected that one. Equality among the sexes and race has made a lot of progress over the years, but even today...we are still trying for more. In the case of Roe vs Wade for will have to wait.