Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Blogging is everywhere!

I can remember back in October writing about the power of blogging. It is everywhere now, and only getting stronger. It first began as a political junket for the inside scoop on the election race. Everyone is on the blog-wagon now.

I was first amazed by reading some of the articles by military personnel in Irag/Afghanistan. Well, ole' Uncle Sam put a stop to a lot of that. However, they did pour a lot of $ into the blogging world and now have set up an official government blog. Check it out: Military Blogs.

Then there is the technology that has come about. Everyone wants a piece. From advertising to sponsorship. If there is a cash flow available, the business will come. Cell phones are now being used like never before. Everything nowadays is about integration. Check this out: Cell phones.

Of course you can't talk about technology without talking about the Big Boys. Google actually bought the site I am currently writing on a while back. Now Microsoft wants to get in on the action. Read about their new developments here: Microsoft.

Tired of gas prices? Well fire it up here: Gas bloggers. Want business to provide feedback? They're on it here: Corparate bloggers. The sky is the limit!

What I find most interesting these days is checking out the thoughts on the ground in Israel and Lebanon. Very interesting thoughts, ideas, and reports pouring out of the region. Here you go: Bloggers Blogs.

So get on the bloggin ball out there. Talk about the heat. Talk about sports. Movies. Politics. Whatever...just get out there. I'll turn you guys before its all said and done. Enjoy the links...oh, btw...the link I have on the side to the Freakonomics guys is absolutely awesome! It's my favorate blog. It is basically like reading Freakonomics every posting they have. And a double-whammy btw, they are working on their sequel to Freakonomics called SuperFreakonomics! Can't wait for that release date! Enjoy!


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

...except here...

Monday, August 07, 2006  

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