Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Summer of love...

I may be calling the shots a little too early, but I think we should see Oil prices hit 80$ in the next week or so. At least by the end of the month. I wish I wouldn't have deleted the previous blog I started last November. I remember predicting 80$ oil and $800 gold prices by September. Well, you can be rest assured that we are closing in on it.

Israel/Lebanon, Iraq war, Iran's up yours, and the old-fashioned supply and demand. Supply needs to be able to keep up with demand and this weekend's supply cut doesn't help. We haven't even hit hurricane season yet. I imagine the next hurricane path the points to the gulf will bump oil prices up around $3-4 alone. The world pot is stirring and heating up.

So get ready for higher gas prices and higher gold prices. Not to worry though because there are some tips for all you drivers out there (glad I'm not driving now!).


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

Guess the weekend was right...oil's up a buck seventy-six this morning!

Monday, August 07, 2006  

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