Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Blogging is everywhere (Part II)

Here we go again! Blogging began with its roots in the presidential elections years back. Howard Dean was virtually a long shot years ago, but was able to raise so much money through blogging, that he became a legitimate candidate (although he still go whipped!). Blogging is everywhere and still remains an election campaign tool. During the recent Connecticut democratic primary, Joe Lieberman conceded to advisary Ned Lamont. So why did he lose?

I tend to think that it is because he refused to go on the Colbert Report (Ned Lamont accepted and made a Report appearance. BTW, if you haven't seen the Colbert's a close second to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Both are hilarious political/news satire shows. Very funny!). But many tend to think that the power of the blogger was at play here. Did bloggers really have that much influence on this election? Check it out here.

The power of the everyday blogger and reporter is here to stay. Enjoy and remember to keep blogging new thoughts and ideas! Who knows where it can lead?


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

Thanks Pat! I've really been trying to get this thing off the ground. I thoroughly enjoyed the photos. I've always wanted to visit Africa and have yet to get there. My brother has lived there before and has many stories and pictures as well. Feel free to view and comment anytime!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006  

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