Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Boston Blood Bath

Every time I tune into ESPN I witness another murder. Boston Red Sox that is. These guys are done for the season as I am concerned. The Yanks have them this year. According to a recent poll that I conducted on this site, 3 of you think the Yanks will win the World Series. One for Detroit. All were wrong though. Turns out there was only one winner in this poll and that was me with my choice of the St. Louis Cardinals. However, I still need to keep routing for Cincinatti to keep losing. Did you know: One of the pitchers for St. Louis Cardinals is named Braden Looper and is from Altus, Oklahoma. I used to play ball against him in high school and I remember he had a nasty curve ball. Anyway, it looks to be a great September for baseball and an even better October

BTW, congrats to the Georgia Little League team for winning the Little League World Series!

Also, new poll is available for voting.


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