Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Not 50 in 50 in 50, but I'll saddle up for 60 in 8...

If you would have told me 4 months ago that I would be training at 60 miles of running in 8 days...I think I would have told you to go f--- yourself. But that was 4 months ago.

Over the past 8 days I have had two days of rest. The other 6 days I covered 60 miles of running. That's an average of about 10 miles each day of training.

I just got done running 18 miles for my long run. I was even able to train to a negative split (John and Chris might be the only ones who know what this is). Next Sunday will be a full 20 miles for the long run. Incredible. Here is the breakdown of the past 8 days:

Sunday: 16 mile run

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 8.5 miles of interval sprints (2.5 mile warm up, 3 x 1 mile interval sprints, 3 miles @ 8.15 for each mile)

Wednesday: 6.5 mile hill runs (goal is to really push yourself up the hills)

Thursday: 3.5 mile run (I was actually going to run 9, but had a rain out)

Friday: 7.5 mile run (Pace work here...I think we made it around 8.15 to 8.30)

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: 18 mile run (negative split)

Next week brings more intensity and harder training. I get to eat all the good food I want and train like a madman. I am on my way to being ready for the marathon.


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