Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Saturday, January 20, 2007



I am 8 months old (well, really only 7 months, but my 8 mo. birthday is coming up soon). I like to chew on anything I can grab. I am especially good at taking off my own sock and eating it. I can sit up on my own (well, until I fall down or mom and dad catch me). I have recently started eating rice cereal and just learned how to hold my hold bottle. Am interested in happy, fun, girls who would like to roll around on the floor and won't take my pacifier.


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

...don't forget cute as a button! Congrats Kaleb! You broke the blog silence of two months and two days! You da' man!

Monday, January 22, 2007  
Blogger world travelers said...

It's a deal! Shall we meet, say this weekend some time?

Friday, January 26, 2007  

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