Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

What's on your mind?

I ran accross the new SAT scores accross America and it got me thinking of different people and cultures. There is a "view-state-by-state" link in the article that is pretty surprising. I expected the coastal states to do better than the fly-over-midwestern states. Not so...the midwest and "ole' south" does surprisingly well. Then I started thinking about if there were any other correlations that could be made by analyzing scores. There are tons.

The elections came to mind first. So, I went to a state-by-state (blue/red) map of the state results from the last election. Turns out that most of the blue states do considerably worse on SAT test scores than red states. Who's smarter? I was going to tally up exact numbers and statistically analyze it, but then I thought...I just need to get...nevermind.

Then I thought about race and what differences could be made there. I remember back in college I read a controversial book called The Bell Curve that was interesting (but one-sided I thought). Anyway, I ran accross an interesting article that talks about blacks and their SAT scores here that is right up my alley. They have the lowest scores of any minority group (Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, etc) After reading this I began to wonder so many things. Here are some random thoughts I think about:

Why are most quarterbacks white?
Why are most offensive lineman white?
Why are most defensive lineman black?

Why do most TV newsman/announcers that are white (Michael Irvin being only exception)
Why do most professional athletes that are black say "Hi MOM" to the TV. Where's Dad?
Why are there no black stock-brokers? (I am sure there are, but I haven't ever seen any)
Side note: Why are there no-to-few women stock brokers? (I actually looked into this one and psychologists say that it has to do with ego and making quick decisions...sorry ladies)

Which comes first: Being rich...or being smart? This article talks about highest SAT scores correlating to being rich. However, most rich people have worked hard and are smart. So by being smart...led them to being rich? Nurture vs Nature?

In other words, most black people (on average) are poor or middle class. So are they there because they are not smart? Or is everyone else racist? What about the black people that do become rich? Lucky or smart? I wonder if you asked the rich black people and the poor black people what their SAT scores were (given that most poor blacks may not have even taken the SAT) if there would be a correlation between rich and high SAT scores. I bet there would.

I guess it seems to me that one must be raised to work hard. To learn. To get smarter. All the other stuff will fall into place. Luck is when preparation meets an opportunity. I don't think many are preparing themselves or their children. They just want the opportunity.

I am with Bill Cosby on this one...where are the parents at. Without them, the repetetive chain will never be broken.

So, what's on your mind?


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

Day One: Nothing is on all of your minds...

Friday, September 01, 2006  

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