Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Eastern Europe 2007

Hello Everyone--I just wanted to let you know that our trip was a blast. We went all over the place. I sent some pictures to Steve, so we should have a little filmstrip of pictures to go with this post. The places that we traveled include: Venice, Italy; Lubijana & Bled, Slovenia; Budapest, Hungary; Bratslavia, Slovakia; and Vienna, Austria. I enjoyed most of the places, but I definately liked the horseback ride through the mountains in Bled. I also enjoyed the Balet in Bratslavia. I have now made it to 32 countries. When I returned, Mom and I went to North and South Carolina for Presidents Day Weekend. We went to a couple of movies and played two minature golf courses. Then, we spent some time a place called South of the Border in South Carolina. We went up into a 200 ft tall Sombrero. That trips makes 47 states that I've explored. I hope you like the pics. Talk to you all later. Love, John


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

I really like the picture of Katrina and the candle...the one with John and the torture museum is good too. It is hard to tell was is scarier...John or the museum behind him? Funny.

Sunday, February 25, 2007  

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