Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


We won both our games today to become 9-0 on the season. It is hard not to let it go to your head, but it is great I must admit. The guys are really starting to gel as a team and really listen to what baseball knowledge I have to talk about. I am really enjoying it. Our kids are really coming around. One kid is really good and probably could play college baseball, but has already signed to play quarterback in college. He even made an ESPN article! Check this out! He hit two homeruns today as well. He also pitched a shut-out in Game 1. Man Child! Anyway, it looks to be a great rest of the season. We are about at the halfway mark at this point. Hopefully, we can keep the streak alive.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Well said...

I just think that this is well said. Most politicians just don't get what exactly causes the price of oil and where exactly we are in the oil cycle. I think the last sentence of this article has it right: Big Oil Defense

Monday, April 24, 2006

They just don't get it...

Washington -- Oil prices are at multi-year highs. Gas prices have skyrocketed the last few months. Exxon had profits of 13 billion dolllars in ONE quarter last quarter. It was the largest one quarter profit recorded ever by a company...ever! So, the talk of implementing a "windfall tax" on oil profits is sturring again in Washington.

I am under the impression that the guys running the show in Washington just don't get it. They keep thinking that the oil companies are running up the oil profits on purpose. If that was the case, why didn't they do this when oil was 12$ a barrel only 4 years ago! Don't you think they would want to run up the prices then? The Exxon CEO retired in December and I like what he said. He basically said that Washington doesn't get it because they (and the general public) don't understand that the oil field runs in cycles (5-10-15-20-30 year cycles). We just happen to be in a cycle where there is simply too much demand and not enough supply.

The supply part is what people don't get. WE ARE RUNNING OUT! WE WILL RUN OUT! PERIOD! This is why every country from the US to China is trying to secure oil fields around the world (ie. Iraq, Nigeria, etc). Oil companies are not running the prices and demand are. India and China need more oil! Plus the US is thirsty. We will keep using oil and gas more and more each day and don't care about the consequences.

My point is this. It seems that with oil prices this high...polititians could easily pass a windfall tax because people are going to be paying 4$ per gallon of gas this summer. The people (who don't really understand why prices are so high) will want to somehow punish big oil. So they'll pass a windfall tax. If it is inevitable...I propose that we use ALL of the windfall tax for alternative energy research. Let's get more into wind research. Nuclear energy. Something right? BUT, what will end up happening is that they'll get their greedy hands on all that windfall tax and put it into pork for their buddies back home. They'll make up something to get them re-elected (since it is a re-election year).

Sad. It will be sad because every polititian will have to favor the windfall tax this summer because of high prices will be so high. AND if they don't favor it, they will have to explain to the angry public why come re-election campaigning and they won't want to do that. So, they'll eventually pass it. Take the money. And add to the deficit in a negative way.

So, get on the congressman website and propose that if a windfall tax is implemented...that we use all of it to research alternative energy so that we don't keep repeating our same mistakes we have done in the past. So that when our kids are our age...that they have a nice lifestyle (instead of being drafted to fight China for oil).

Here is an article of what I'm talking about: The Tax Man

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Surgery time baby!

My first surgery. Not too serious, but still serious enough. It is for Pilonidal Cyst Disease. I go in Friday and will be bed ridden for a couple of weeks. I really didn't know how serious it was until I checked out this sight: My Butt Buddy . I need to get this thing out though. I think I have had this longer than what I thought and now is the perfect time to do it. The only bad part is that I won't be able to be out with the baseball team for a couple of weeks and when I do finally get out there, I don't think I will get to be as active as I would like to. It takes about 8 total weeks to heal from this. Anyway, I want all of you to know me through and through, so you might as well know about my little butt friend as well.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Get ready for high gas prices this summer!

Here we go...

Oh boy...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Dazzling moments in time...

Paris, France -- Paris was a close second to Rome in great cities of Europe to see! We loved it! Two days really isn't enough time to give Paris justice. However, we maximized all the glitz Paris has to offer.

I was trying with all my might to take a cool picture of something in Paris to put on the blog. I took many pics of the Eiffel Tower with the full moon beside it, but they didn't come out too well. We took pictures of churches, Arc de Triomphe Etoile, bridges, Louvre, and Hotel Des Invalides. They were all beautiful, but somewhat normal and boring pictures. We wanted some creativity here!

So, the picture above was taken at night on the way to dinner by me. I took about three pics, but this one was perfect. Just goes to show you that you shouldn't let life pass you by.

The picture to the left is a picture another
captured on our first night in Paris by Delia. We were on the second platform of the Tower at the time. These two pictures were the best we came up with and I think capture a different perspective of Paris.

Bottom line: Everyone must visit Paris! Like I said before, Rome is the only place I have been to over here that I would consider better. The biggest surprise was the people. They were not as rude as I once believed. All were very nice. London has been the worst so far in this category. Rudest people I have ever been around and one of the worst places to visit that I have been to. Don't go to London!

The best part of Paris for me was visiting the Louvre and the Orsay. I had thought that the Louvre would be the better of the two, but we found the Orsay to be better works of art. The Louvre has the Mona Lisa. I can really appreciate how good it is now that I have seen it up close. The glow of Mona's skin is amazing up close. A very amazing painting. We saw Van Gough's, Degas, Monet's, Manet's, and my buddy Gustav's paintings. Paris is a great place for art!

Paris is a must see for all and I hope that one day all of you will get to visit this city. It is priceless and we had a great time!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Cardinals new stadium

St. Louis, MO -- The Cards opened their new stadium. It looks great! Wish I could have been there for the opening game. Best fans around! Check out new stadium review/opening game here New Stadium!

Monday, April 10, 2006

A new citizen is born

As groups of illegal immigrants (and citizens alike) organize for more protests, I began thinking I need to send out an SOS to Washington. Immigration is not the problem. “Illegal” Immigration is the problem. My SOS is that I hope Washington does not let non-citizens (non-taxpayers, non-voters) sway immigration policy.

I have never voted. Yes, I know, I know. I just didn’t vote because I didn’t understand how government works. I did not want to vote just for the sake of voting. It takes a little initiative from a citizen. We have the right to vote and should exercise this by taking a little time to learn about candidates and political parties. This is why I will be voting in the election this year and from now on. Without my vote, I can only complain.

My major complaint is the obsurdity of illegal immigrants having the ability to help implement policy. I mean I am an actual legal citizen and I’m not doing crap (NOTE: can also substitute “ain’t doin’ shit” or “he lazy-ass”). I have the ability to help implement policy and have taken no real action. This is going to change. It must change. US citizens must help those elected implement policy.

There is one interesting study that is going to come into play on May 1st that I will find interesting. We all should. Voter registration and citizenship education initiatives are set to begin in several states after a "Day Without An Immigrant" campaign planned for May 1, an event that asks immigrants nationwide to stay home from work and school, and refrain from buying U.S. products. This should really put on a fireworks show.

Obviously if this were an easy problem, it would have been fixed already. It is very complex problem and political suicide for some (depending on location). However, there are smart men and women out there (contrary to popular belief). The problem I have with the whole issue is that it should be addressed and fixed by citizens of the US and not citizens of other countries (and oil doesn’t count…it’s a resource not a country).

We must drive the direction of this country. We must keep rooted American values alive. We must become actively involved in government. We must vote. We the people must appoint leaders that represent the citizens. Otherwise, we are lost.

So what in the world am I trying to say here? Basically, I don’t want to just give facts anymore. I don’t want to just inform people about what I know. I want to give my opinion. I want to speak. I want to do what I should have been doing all along: be a proud-and-active US citizen.

The circle of life

Stuttgart, Germany -- When lost, should you turn left? Right? Straight? How about turning around and going backwards? Sometimes you have to take two steps back to take the 'right' step forward.

I remember riding in the car with Grandpa when I was little and he told me something I will never forget. He said, "Always take a different path to a common destination to spice up your daily just may see something new you didn't see before." Wise words Grandpa.

So, as you roam through your busy lives, I urge that perhaps each of you take that right instead of left. Go straight instead. Maybe even take a few steps back, pause to actually think, and go forward. Take a little time to notice something about your day that may make you smile. The circle of life doesn't just have to be that... a circle.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

...More Pirates Out There!


Opening Day

US Baseball Country --

Opening Day brought all kinds of excitement for the season ahead. How about them Yanks? What a spanking they dished out to Oakland (15-2)! How about my Cards and Pujols? Wins and bombs! Rollins kept his hit streak alive. And people through syringes and booed Bonds. That one is a tough one. Tough for someone 48 hrs from the record. Still innocent until proven guilty, but from the looks at the pictures of his evolution...hard to say he didn't use steroids.

I began to look at some of the trades that were made in the offseason and some teams came out better off than last year. Yanks get Damon. White Sox get Thome (who homered in his debut!). Braves get Renteria. Mets get Nady, Wagner, and LaDuca. All kinds of new blood out there.

So, with all this new blood out there, who will come out ahead in the end? I predict that my Cards will spank the Yanks in the World Series this year. Yep Sean, Yanks are goin' down!

How about playoff teams? The Braves will be there. These guys lost Mizzoni (pitching Coach) and still look very strong. Look at who they have lost in years past (Maddox, Sheffield, Glavine, etc) and they still are there every year! Bobby Cox is a genius!
How about the returning champs? Jim Thome looks good and if he can stay healthy, we are still in business. Possible repeat could happen, but unlikely. I still see them in the playoffs at year's end though.

My sleeper team is the Mets. Playoff bound and look out! These guys mean business! They got a relief pitcher and other transactions. They look very strong and will be playoff bound at year's end as well. Look for them to sneak in and do what the White Sox did last year.
I was able to catch the last two innings of the Yanks game and 5 innings of the Braves game. Both teams looked very strong. Only saw highlights of the rest. Enjoy the season! Those in areas where you can go see some games, get out to the ballpark and root on your team! Enjoy America's pastime!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Pump Up Da' Volume...(..Dance...Dance)

For those who want to post some Audio Blogs, here you go: Pump Up Da' Volume!

American Roots

"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...

There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

--Theodore Roosevelt, 1919

Good Book Here!

For One of Those Days

Enjoy! Whack Your Boss

Life's New Upgrades

Cyberspace -- April brings new upgrades to the blog! I have been trying to get this blog up-and-running like a well-oiled machine. So, I have been adding some upgrades to spice this blog up. I think you will find them usefull.

Upgrade #1: Audioblogger. This enables you to call a phone number from anywhere in the world and it will post what you say onto the blog. I did not give instructions on how to do this however, because no one asked. If interested...let me know and I can post how to do it.

Upgrade #2: I have enabled the Links section on our menu bar. I have added some of my favorate links. So, just click away. NOTE: If you send me some of your favorate links you would like on there I can put them on the blog. That way you can save this blog as your homepage and just be able to link to your other sites!

Upgrade #3: I put a Blog section on there so that you can link to other blogs if you like. Again, let me know of any blogs that you may visit regularly or like and I can put them on there. I put a few on there that are either popular, or ones that I like. FYI, there is a sports blog on there that I have been accepted to write for. They want me to provide a youth/military sports perspective from here in Europe. I will let everyone know when my first published blog gets on there. It should be fun.

So, get positive, get creative, get funny, get active. The sky is the limit on this thing, so let's make the best of it. Feedback is appreciated. As Chris would say, "Peace Out".


...just thought this was pretty funny. Scroll down and check out the wrestlers diving off of a border wall. Hilarious.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Big "O"...

"30", that is. I was going for the catchy "sex sells" title. Anyway, I am officially an old man. Well, I guess it is not official for another 3 days, but close enough. I just wanted to say thank you all for your box of 30 gifts you sent. I received it last Friday and it really hit the spot. Very creative gifts! Chris--had a beer with your $. John-- played some cards this weekend with Delia with your cards. Keri--that 30 reasons gift you made was priceless! Literally, one of the best gifts I have ever received. Thank you lil' sis'. Mom--the organizer I am sure! You are always there for us during every milestone in our lives...even the ones we don't want to recognize (ie. 30!). The goodies were a real hit at work. We ate them all the first day! Thank you. Dad--broke out the knife yesterday. I needed one. All--thank you for each and every gift you sent. They were really great and I appreciate it. I love you all. far.

Just wanted to update the Patch Panthers double-header that we had this past Saturday. We won both games. It seems that I am becoming more and more of a central role in this team and not only just an assistant. The head Coach really takes what I have to say to heart and relays it to the team. So, I can relay my baseball philosophy indirectly and directly. It's pretty fun. Anyway, we won the first game 15-2 and the second game 12-3. On our way. It sure is great to get out there with the high school kids. I am starting to see how they are really improving on what I have been teaching them. Pretty cool. Next game is this Friday in Schinnen, Netherlands. I will be taking leave on the 6th-9th and roaming around that area as well. Baseball is upon us and I am loving it.