Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Life's New Upgrades

Cyberspace -- April brings new upgrades to the blog! I have been trying to get this blog up-and-running like a well-oiled machine. So, I have been adding some upgrades to spice this blog up. I think you will find them usefull.

Upgrade #1: Audioblogger. This enables you to call a phone number from anywhere in the world and it will post what you say onto the blog. I did not give instructions on how to do this however, because no one asked. If interested...let me know and I can post how to do it.

Upgrade #2: I have enabled the Links section on our menu bar. I have added some of my favorate links. So, just click away. NOTE: If you send me some of your favorate links you would like on there I can put them on the blog. That way you can save this blog as your homepage and just be able to link to your other sites!

Upgrade #3: I put a Blog section on there so that you can link to other blogs if you like. Again, let me know of any blogs that you may visit regularly or like and I can put them on there. I put a few on there that are either popular, or ones that I like. FYI, there is a sports blog on there that I have been accepted to write for. They want me to provide a youth/military sports perspective from here in Europe. I will let everyone know when my first published blog gets on there. It should be fun.

So, get positive, get creative, get funny, get active. The sky is the limit on this thing, so let's make the best of it. Feedback is appreciated. As Chris would say, "Peace Out".