Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Can You Kill a Man with a Catfish?

You guessed it; I finally had to time to post a message. I am not currently up to much. I was working on a Business simulation tonight. Tomorrow, I will be going to Lent services. Thursday, I'll be going to an arena football game. Work is going well; I tend to stay very busy. I went to St. Louis about a week ago. I enjoyed the time away and had the opportunity to go to the riverboat casino and the landing. I am heading to DC next week for about 3 days. It is another trip for work. I look forward to the Cherry Blossom festival. Then, it is off to Belize on 8 April. Other than that, it is my last day as a 2nd LT on Friday, so I'm buying my work center beer and giving them the afternoon off after a cookout in the park. I'm out of here. John


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

Better late than never. Welcome. You have closed the gap. Everyone that I have invited here has officially posted something on this site. The sky is the limit now. Hope you have fun in Belize. Take some cool pics of the scenery there and post something from Belize. Glad to see you here bro.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006  
Blogger Steve the Creator said...

For those that may not know the it goes:

I have to remember...basically Dad, John, Chris, Keri?(I THINK), and I were all out catfishing late one night. Those were always good times huh? Anyway, we were laughing and carrying on wanting something to bite, but it was a slow night. Then after about 5 minutes of silence...everyone in their own thoughts...John blurts his question he has been thinking about, "I wonder if you could kill a man with a catfish?"

We all burst out laughing like there was no tomorrow. I must say that John didn't like being the butt of a few jokes that night, but its nice to see he can look back and laugh about it now.

One of those "had to be there things" I suppose. Anyway, still pretty funny thinking about it today.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006  

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