Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Illegal Immigration Trends...

Washington DC -- Washington is overwhelmed with on major topic this week: Immigration. Or should I actually say: Illegal Immigration. It is hard to put into persective what all the hype is about when most people don't know exactly why immigration reform is needed.

The chart here is a chart of illegal immigrants on a timeline. This would be a nice stock chart, but I digress. As you can see, the past ten years have had quite a jump in illegals crossing US borders. The past five years have really jumped. If reform doesn't happen quickly, these numbers will just keep following this path exponentially.

Fixing the problem of illegal immigration is also a dicey situation. Many smart men and women have pondered just such a thing. Here is a link to a blog article that goes into detail of basically six options we have and reasons why they won't work. Anyone out there got any bright ideas?


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

Hey, you snooze on the lose! Get active. Start getting your ideas on the blog.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006  

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