Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Sunday, April 02, 2006 far.

Just wanted to update the Patch Panthers double-header that we had this past Saturday. We won both games. It seems that I am becoming more and more of a central role in this team and not only just an assistant. The head Coach really takes what I have to say to heart and relays it to the team. So, I can relay my baseball philosophy indirectly and directly. It's pretty fun. Anyway, we won the first game 15-2 and the second game 12-3. On our way. It sure is great to get out there with the high school kids. I am starting to see how they are really improving on what I have been teaching them. Pretty cool. Next game is this Friday in Schinnen, Netherlands. I will be taking leave on the 6th-9th and roaming around that area as well. Baseball is upon us and I am loving it.


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