Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Monday, April 10, 2006

A new citizen is born

As groups of illegal immigrants (and citizens alike) organize for more protests, I began thinking I need to send out an SOS to Washington. Immigration is not the problem. “Illegal” Immigration is the problem. My SOS is that I hope Washington does not let non-citizens (non-taxpayers, non-voters) sway immigration policy.

I have never voted. Yes, I know, I know. I just didn’t vote because I didn’t understand how government works. I did not want to vote just for the sake of voting. It takes a little initiative from a citizen. We have the right to vote and should exercise this by taking a little time to learn about candidates and political parties. This is why I will be voting in the election this year and from now on. Without my vote, I can only complain.

My major complaint is the obsurdity of illegal immigrants having the ability to help implement policy. I mean I am an actual legal citizen and I’m not doing crap (NOTE: can also substitute “ain’t doin’ shit” or “he lazy-ass”). I have the ability to help implement policy and have taken no real action. This is going to change. It must change. US citizens must help those elected implement policy.

There is one interesting study that is going to come into play on May 1st that I will find interesting. We all should. Voter registration and citizenship education initiatives are set to begin in several states after a "Day Without An Immigrant" campaign planned for May 1, an event that asks immigrants nationwide to stay home from work and school, and refrain from buying U.S. products. This should really put on a fireworks show.

Obviously if this were an easy problem, it would have been fixed already. It is very complex problem and political suicide for some (depending on location). However, there are smart men and women out there (contrary to popular belief). The problem I have with the whole issue is that it should be addressed and fixed by citizens of the US and not citizens of other countries (and oil doesn’t count…it’s a resource not a country).

We must drive the direction of this country. We must keep rooted American values alive. We must become actively involved in government. We must vote. We the people must appoint leaders that represent the citizens. Otherwise, we are lost.

So what in the world am I trying to say here? Basically, I don’t want to just give facts anymore. I don’t want to just inform people about what I know. I want to give my opinion. I want to speak. I want to do what I should have been doing all along: be a proud-and-active US citizen.


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