Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Opening Day

US Baseball Country --

Opening Day brought all kinds of excitement for the season ahead. How about them Yanks? What a spanking they dished out to Oakland (15-2)! How about my Cards and Pujols? Wins and bombs! Rollins kept his hit streak alive. And people through syringes and booed Bonds. That one is a tough one. Tough for someone 48 hrs from the record. Still innocent until proven guilty, but from the looks at the pictures of his evolution...hard to say he didn't use steroids.

I began to look at some of the trades that were made in the offseason and some teams came out better off than last year. Yanks get Damon. White Sox get Thome (who homered in his debut!). Braves get Renteria. Mets get Nady, Wagner, and LaDuca. All kinds of new blood out there.

So, with all this new blood out there, who will come out ahead in the end? I predict that my Cards will spank the Yanks in the World Series this year. Yep Sean, Yanks are goin' down!

How about playoff teams? The Braves will be there. These guys lost Mizzoni (pitching Coach) and still look very strong. Look at who they have lost in years past (Maddox, Sheffield, Glavine, etc) and they still are there every year! Bobby Cox is a genius!
How about the returning champs? Jim Thome looks good and if he can stay healthy, we are still in business. Possible repeat could happen, but unlikely. I still see them in the playoffs at year's end though.

My sleeper team is the Mets. Playoff bound and look out! These guys mean business! They got a relief pitcher and other transactions. They look very strong and will be playoff bound at year's end as well. Look for them to sneak in and do what the White Sox did last year.
I was able to catch the last two innings of the Yanks game and 5 innings of the Braves game. Both teams looked very strong. Only saw highlights of the rest. Enjoy the season! Those in areas where you can go see some games, get out to the ballpark and root on your team! Enjoy America's pastime!


Blogger Steve the Creator said... least they got rid of that trash Nomar...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006  

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