Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Dazzling moments in time...

Paris, France -- Paris was a close second to Rome in great cities of Europe to see! We loved it! Two days really isn't enough time to give Paris justice. However, we maximized all the glitz Paris has to offer.

I was trying with all my might to take a cool picture of something in Paris to put on the blog. I took many pics of the Eiffel Tower with the full moon beside it, but they didn't come out too well. We took pictures of churches, Arc de Triomphe Etoile, bridges, Louvre, and Hotel Des Invalides. They were all beautiful, but somewhat normal and boring pictures. We wanted some creativity here!

So, the picture above was taken at night on the way to dinner by me. I took about three pics, but this one was perfect. Just goes to show you that you shouldn't let life pass you by.

The picture to the left is a picture another
captured on our first night in Paris by Delia. We were on the second platform of the Tower at the time. These two pictures were the best we came up with and I think capture a different perspective of Paris.

Bottom line: Everyone must visit Paris! Like I said before, Rome is the only place I have been to over here that I would consider better. The biggest surprise was the people. They were not as rude as I once believed. All were very nice. London has been the worst so far in this category. Rudest people I have ever been around and one of the worst places to visit that I have been to. Don't go to London!

The best part of Paris for me was visiting the Louvre and the Orsay. I had thought that the Louvre would be the better of the two, but we found the Orsay to be better works of art. The Louvre has the Mona Lisa. I can really appreciate how good it is now that I have seen it up close. The glow of Mona's skin is amazing up close. A very amazing painting. We saw Van Gough's, Degas, Monet's, Manet's, and my buddy Gustav's paintings. Paris is a great place for art!

Paris is a must see for all and I hope that one day all of you will get to visit this city. It is priceless and we had a great time!


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