Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

JUNE --> A month of transition

JUNE - A month of transition. This month brings new life to our family and friends. New fathers, mothers, grandparents, uncles, and aunts. New career paths. New career assignments. New locations to move to. It does make you dream and ponder about each of our futures.

I feel the need myself to take a moment to think about the direction of not only my life, but all of my loved ones' lives as well. It makes me feel very calm and blissful inside. There is strength in all of us. A great feeling of love and happiness roars through every cell of my body (corny moment). I wish you all the very best in your transition endeavors.

Monday, May 29, 2006

An end to a great season...

Well, we couldn't get over the hump of an undeafeated season throughout. We ended the season 17-2. I would say that one game could have been won easily and one we just got beat by another good team. The first game we won against rival Ramstein. That was a good day. The second game we got rained out on Saturday and we were leading 3-0. We tried and tried to get the game going because if we could have got to the fourth inning, the game would be official and we would just win! We were 3 outs away and the umps and coach for the other team called it. Soooo, we had to come early the next day to play the rest of the game. They only gave us 45 minutes and you guessed it...the other team slipped back into it and won. It sucks. Our guys just couldn't get woke up or something. So, we play another game that afternoon and won it easily 10-0. Then we had to play rival Ramstein again. Well, we were ahead 3-1 when their bats finally came alive. They won 6-4. So, that's it. 17-2 season and no Euro Championship. Good season and bad season all mixed up into one. I enjoyed every bit of it (except maybe a few moments this past weekend with the 2 losses). Now on to training for marathon!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Thirsty for more...

Today was a milestone for me (one of many I hope). I just ran 6.5 miles! And sprinted up the last hill! It feels great. I am training with two other people and one has been running for a while. He took us on a trail that was through the woods and we ran past three lakes. It was overcast and misty and was perfect! I am really glad that we are training for this half marathon. Now I know why John and Chris liked running cross country so much. It is a euphoria. I hope I can get with you guys now and go for a run or something. Anyway, the best part about running is that you get to eat a lot more. I am starving! I have to get ready for our baseball trip too. We leave in two hours. Hopefully, the next time I write will be about how we won the European Championship!

Me Again

Hey Guys--Sorry I don't get on to often. I now have DSL at home instead of dial-up, so I might post something once in a while. I have been ironing up a storm this week. I observed two ceremonies at Arlington National Ceremony this week and have been practicing facing movements and commands. I get a four day weekend, and mom arrives tomorrow. We might see some sights. Take care.
Love, John



Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Joke of the Day (Part II)

This is a follow-up to my earlier article on immigration. In that article, I mentioned that I was a root cause type of guy and that our elected representatives there in Washington just were not getting it when it comes to attempting to solve the illegal immigration problem. Well, it turns out that there are finally some members that are starting to get to the root cause. Cut out the demand part...and the supply will drop. Here is the link: Starting to get it!

Monday, May 22, 2006

It's official!

We capped off a game last Saturday to complete our regular season games. We finished the year in first place and remained undefeated (15-0)! All that is left are some good practices this week to prepare for our European Championship this upcoming weekend.

Anyone see the Da Vinci Code?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Undefeated season continues...

Stuttgart, Germany -- Our high school baseball team improved to 14-0 last night! It was our biggest challenge of the season and was in front of a couple of hundred people. It was a game designed by our General here so that we could play a German Team for sort of an international friendship game. It was set up pretty neat. Musical Loudspeakers, introductions, first pitches thrown by big-wigs, and much more. The Germans brought about 150 fans and I would say we had a little more. It was great!

The German team brought four players from their older league to pitch against us. We allowed them to because we have yet to be challenged hard this year. They were 20/21 years of age. We put it to them. We ended up winning the 9-inning game 8-5 in a nail-biter. Definitely, my best coaching challenge of the season trying to keep everyone's head on straight.

So, we have 2 more regular-season games on Saturday. Then we go to the European Championship Tournament on Memorial Weekend in Schinnen, Netherlands. We will be there for about 4 days. It's great to be out there.

On a side note, my surgery is healing extremely well. I have decided to train for a half-marathon (13.1 miles) with 3 others in my office. It will be on July 23rd. I have been running all week, but today was a real test. We all ran together for about 5 miles during lunch. It has been a while since I have really done distance and rarely do I get to 5 miles. So, we have designed a marathon training program between now and then to train to. My boss runs marathons and has been doing so for a while and is organizing our program. I have always wanted to do this, but lacked training partners. Now I have them and I think I can do it. Plus, it will give me something to keep active to after the baseball season ends on Memorial weekend. So get those running shoes on out there! It should be a good summer for running!

One more month to paradise

Acapulco, Mexico -- Just dreaming about Acapulco. One month from today and I will be sitting on this beach in this chair. Sun, beaches, buddies...should be a good time. Four more weeks!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Joke of the Day

You've got to be kidding me! I really don't agree with sending 6K National Guard troops to the border, but this takes the cake. I am more of a root cause guy. Root cause here is to get rid of the demand side. In other words, enforcing laws to hold businesses accountable for hiring illegal aliens. This troop deal is just to cover up the amnesty portion of the bill to be passed (which I am also against). If Mexico can sue us, shouldn't we be able to sue them for a class action suit to pay for all the schools, medical, etc of illegals? This whole thing is turning into a big joke. Did you know that since the marches and this bill was introduced to Washington, that illegals have been crossing the border at a 25% increased rate? It is because it is free-for-all now. They know that since this amnesty thing is going to be passed, that if they can just get accross before it becomes law, than they can (somewhat legally) stay here on the work permit program. Free-for-all!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Attention: Apple Computer Company

Dear Steve Jobs:

Would you like more bang for the buck?

How does Google make so much money? Advertising revenue right?

How about this idea:

Connecting advertisements that would display automatically into an Ipod every time a song was downloaded? It would display on your Ipod before or after the song title (or both!).

Including advertisements on the Ipod is the basic concept. There are many ways to fine tune preference from here. You could have it display before a song title for 5 seconds (or 10, etc). Or you could have it display after a song title until another song came on, etc. You could allow advertisers the ability to advertise their business to specific song categories. For example, Nike could advertise in the R & B section. Or Shirley Investment Group could advertise in the classical music section. There are many options from the basic concept.

Not sure if this idea is on the table over there in nerd tech land, but this could be a completely new way to generate extra advertising revenue! The sky is the limit here! Cha-ching $!

PS. If there is any way a lowly guy like me could get a portion of the profits…please let me know. Although, I came up with this idea while eating a taco at lunch…it is still a great idea.

Sincerely your pal,

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Words of wisdom

The greatest investor of all-time is Warren Buffett. He is also the second richest man in the world besides Bill Gates. Since I have been studying stocks and the economy, I have probably read more books and papers on Warren Buffett than any other person (Jim Cramer is a close second). He is the epitomy of value investing. Anyway, his quarterly conference call was last week (with is sidekick Charles Munger). Berkshire Hathaway had a good quarter, but more importantly...they answered some pertinant questions on their thoughts and positions on several subjects from the real estate market to commodity prices. I think that these words are worth reading. Here is the article: World's Greatest Investor. Enjoy!

Monday, May 01, 2006


Pretty cool slide show huh? I thought I would add another enhancement to the blog. If any of you have some cool pics you want to add (ie. Belize pics I haven't seen yet Chris and John!), then email them to me and I will add them to the slide show. These pics are from Rome and Paris. Anyway, I think it is a pretty nice addition. I will be going to the hospital for the next few days, so I should have time to call all of you again. Chow!