Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Monday, May 29, 2006

An end to a great season...

Well, we couldn't get over the hump of an undeafeated season throughout. We ended the season 17-2. I would say that one game could have been won easily and one we just got beat by another good team. The first game we won against rival Ramstein. That was a good day. The second game we got rained out on Saturday and we were leading 3-0. We tried and tried to get the game going because if we could have got to the fourth inning, the game would be official and we would just win! We were 3 outs away and the umps and coach for the other team called it. Soooo, we had to come early the next day to play the rest of the game. They only gave us 45 minutes and you guessed it...the other team slipped back into it and won. It sucks. Our guys just couldn't get woke up or something. So, we play another game that afternoon and won it easily 10-0. Then we had to play rival Ramstein again. Well, we were ahead 3-1 when their bats finally came alive. They won 6-4. So, that's it. 17-2 season and no Euro Championship. Good season and bad season all mixed up into one. I enjoyed every bit of it (except maybe a few moments this past weekend with the 2 losses). Now on to training for marathon!


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