Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Thirsty for more...

Today was a milestone for me (one of many I hope). I just ran 6.5 miles! And sprinted up the last hill! It feels great. I am training with two other people and one has been running for a while. He took us on a trail that was through the woods and we ran past three lakes. It was overcast and misty and was perfect! I am really glad that we are training for this half marathon. Now I know why John and Chris liked running cross country so much. It is a euphoria. I hope I can get with you guys now and go for a run or something. Anyway, the best part about running is that you get to eat a lot more. I am starving! I have to get ready for our baseball trip too. We leave in two hours. Hopefully, the next time I write will be about how we won the European Championship!


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