Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Attention: Apple Computer Company

Dear Steve Jobs:

Would you like more bang for the buck?

How does Google make so much money? Advertising revenue right?

How about this idea:

Connecting advertisements that would display automatically into an Ipod every time a song was downloaded? It would display on your Ipod before or after the song title (or both!).

Including advertisements on the Ipod is the basic concept. There are many ways to fine tune preference from here. You could have it display before a song title for 5 seconds (or 10, etc). Or you could have it display after a song title until another song came on, etc. You could allow advertisers the ability to advertise their business to specific song categories. For example, Nike could advertise in the R & B section. Or Shirley Investment Group could advertise in the classical music section. There are many options from the basic concept.

Not sure if this idea is on the table over there in nerd tech land, but this could be a completely new way to generate extra advertising revenue! The sky is the limit here! Cha-ching $!

PS. If there is any way a lowly guy like me could get a portion of the profits…please let me know. Although, I came up with this idea while eating a taco at lunch…it is still a great idea.

Sincerely your pal,


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

I have been trying to keep a log of my ideas. Not sure how to profit from them though.

Here is another good one: You know how when you sleep in your bed, that the top sheet always gets untucked at the bottom (while tossing and turning thru the night)? Well how about connecting (sewing) the top sheet to the bottom sheet at the foot of the bed. The bottom sheet never comes untucked because it has the elastic portion that is under your mattress. If the top sheet was connected to this, it would stay tucked in as well. Food for thought...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006  

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