Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Undefeated season continues...

Stuttgart, Germany -- Our high school baseball team improved to 14-0 last night! It was our biggest challenge of the season and was in front of a couple of hundred people. It was a game designed by our General here so that we could play a German Team for sort of an international friendship game. It was set up pretty neat. Musical Loudspeakers, introductions, first pitches thrown by big-wigs, and much more. The Germans brought about 150 fans and I would say we had a little more. It was great!

The German team brought four players from their older league to pitch against us. We allowed them to because we have yet to be challenged hard this year. They were 20/21 years of age. We put it to them. We ended up winning the 9-inning game 8-5 in a nail-biter. Definitely, my best coaching challenge of the season trying to keep everyone's head on straight.

So, we have 2 more regular-season games on Saturday. Then we go to the European Championship Tournament on Memorial Weekend in Schinnen, Netherlands. We will be there for about 4 days. It's great to be out there.

On a side note, my surgery is healing extremely well. I have decided to train for a half-marathon (13.1 miles) with 3 others in my office. It will be on July 23rd. I have been running all week, but today was a real test. We all ran together for about 5 miles during lunch. It has been a while since I have really done distance and rarely do I get to 5 miles. So, we have designed a marathon training program between now and then to train to. My boss runs marathons and has been doing so for a while and is organizing our program. I have always wanted to do this, but lacked training partners. Now I have them and I think I can do it. Plus, it will give me something to keep active to after the baseball season ends on Memorial weekend. So get those running shoes on out there! It should be a good summer for running!


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