Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

World Cup in your back yard?

Stuttgart, Germany -- Well, I know most of you don't care about soccer and to tell you the truth...I really don't care either. However, when the World Cup is basically in your back's hard not to be apart of it. Germany won their open rounder. The US got spanked (3-0!) in their open rounder two days ago. Everywhere you go around here, there are crazy soccer fans! It is an amazing atmosphere everyday.

I plan to go downtown to the public viewing area for the soccer games on Friday night. They have it downtown at the Schloss Platz area. HUGE movie-like big screen tv's. It is an October-fest type environment with food and beer booths everywhere. I will be watching the game on Friday night with a guy here at work between Mexico and Angola. It should be fun and I guess I will be a soccer fan for one day anyway! Then...I'll be getting on a plane the next morning (Saturday) to fly to Mexico. So, if Mexico wins, then it should be pretty crazy down there in Acapulco with all the soccer fans.


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