Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Hypocrites or...

I am all for the stopping of human sex trade. We even have been working on a big Trafficking In Persons Awareness Program at work. But correct me if I am wrong: isn't prostitution legal in Nevada? Shouldn't we take care of our own problems in our homeland before pointing the finger at other countries? Just a thought: all should stop that!


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

...and how about the last sentence. Do you really think that we stopped foreign aid to Venezuela because of human trafficking!? Give me a break. Be honest with me. We stopped aid because Hugo Chavez is crazy and we want him out of there. We want someone in there that does not threaten the stoppage of exporting oil to the US. Truth: We stopped the $aid because of oil...not human trafficking. There are many worse off countries dealing with human trafficking than Venezuela. I mean look at Africa...they have a huge problem in human trafficking that has led to a rampant AIDS spread and we give them aid all the time. I digress.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006  

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