Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


I keep up with a lot of oil news and my hobby lately is trying to connect the dots between political/economical headlines and oil. Well check this out: Where's Hugo's Buddy? This was huge (ie. third para in article). If he would have lost, then Humala would have teamed up with a Hugo Chavez alliance (you all better know who Hugo is!...I have talked about him enough!). Anyway, if Humala would have won, then a Hugo alliance would have formed and South America would officially be unstable. With the alliance, Hugo would have more bargaining power and also have more economical swing to hold back exporting oil to the US. He has tremendous power in South America already and is looked upon by many as a hero. He is already aligned himself with Cuba, Russian, and Iran. I mean just look at what Iran said over the weekend:Here's Hugo's buddy. Look out oil prices! Well, they might become flat with the news offsetting itself, but we are in for a dismal market and high oil/gas prices this summer. Anyway, just wanna give a shout out to Peru for picking the "right" guy!


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