Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I have completed a little scrub of the blog here. I put a new gas price ticker to the side. It is interesting to compare last year's prices with this year's prices. Car pool and conserve this summer!

ESPN is great on TV, but sucks on the web. So, I deleted the ESPN link (link section) and added the Fox Sports link. It may not be the best, but is better than ESPN. ESPN just had too much going on and made it difficult to get to the answer to your questions (schedules, etc).

I also got rid of the Ezteam links because our baseball season is over here. We had our last baseball banquet last night for the team, parents and coaches. Speeches were made. Awards were given. It was a really nice event.

Lastly, I have added one of the coolest blogs to the blogroll. It is Mark Cuban's blog. He is the owner of the Dallas Mavericks. It has been fun reading his blog during the recent basketball playoffs and he is pretty funny for a zillionare owner. He also takes shots at TV announcers and the media. He even taunts the other team on there. So, as many of you may watch the NBA basketball finals, read this blog and get some inside scoop and laughter.

Enjoy the changes. Oh ya, I will be making a new slide show tonight that will have some baseball pics from our season on there. To be continued...


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