Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The US is missing out!

Stuttgart, Germany -- I am officially a soccer fan now! I love it! You cannot imagine the buzz and excitement in the air all around because of these World Cup games! I can remember watching World Cup news in the US before and just turning the channel. I mean it was almost as bad as watching hockey (no offense Sean)! But now...I get to experience it.

When we were in Mexico, I was able to watch the Mexico vs Argentina the last day when I was to get on a plane to come back to Germany. EVERYONE was watching the game! Flags out of cars, kids with faces painted, everyone with green shirts on. I watched the first half at a local eatery in a mall and everyone in the mall was watching the game. Every store had it on the radio or some sort of portable tv. It was great!

Then I got a taxi and headed to the airport. No one was on the one. The taxi man said that everyone was watching the game. Then at the airport, guards, bar tenders, EVERYONE was crowded around the television set. The closest the US comes to this type of unity in our country is perhaps the Olympics or the Superbowl. But even then there is no comparison. Check this out: The Fan Zone!

I am headed to the downtown Schloss Platz to watch France vs Spain tonight. We are rooting for Spain. Pictures to follow! The guy I am going with said he ran into Drew Carrey on Sunday nights game when England played. Anyway, it should be a good time. -- a new soccer fan.


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