Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The BIG Fish!

Acapulco, Mexico -- Wow! What an experience. Sean and I set out to sea on Tuesday last. You can see from the slide show that it was a perfect morning with a beautiful sunrise to boot. We were ready for "da big fishies"!

So, as we were headed out to sea...our captain kept taking a nap. It was pretty cool. We figured as long as we kept an eye on things, that we would just keep letting him doze off. Once we were out there (just us two, the captain and one baiter), we were ready.

It turned out that no boats were getting any bites. The captain said that the sailfish mostly bite in the morning. Hour upon hour and no bites anywhere. Then just as we were zoning out at around 1215 in the afternoon...SNAP! The reel was a buzzing! "Down" the captain yelled. I hopped down into the chair and began to try to handle the rod. Amazing feeling! But the best was yet to come.

I was concentrating on reeling when I hear Sean yell at the top of his lungs, "It's out of the water!". I look up and it was jumping sky high out of the water just like on the commercials! It did that about 3 times and then had a few small ones.

I didn't make much progress for about the first 15 minutes and then it worked. I started to actually reel in the line. I became easier and easier the latter 15 minutes. We worked the sailfish up to the side of the boat and the baiter was trying to get that bad boy on the boat. I was so excited I hopped out of my chair and tried to help him. We got it on the boat and that was when the smiles and pictures were aplenty.

I cannot describe or portray the excitement we felt. It was a rush like no other. Anytime I have the opportunity to do this again...I will! I recommend that all of you try it as well. Even if you don't catch anything (I went once before in Florida and didn't get anything), you eventually will. And all will be joy-joy after that. It was an amazing day and an amazing sailfish!


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