Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Operation Stormer

Iraq -- Coincidence? Or planned all along. As we launched the largest offensive assault yesterday in Iraq, I began to wonder if this time and date were planned all along for this assault or whether it was in response to comments by Saddam the day before yesterday.

On Wednesday, Saddam was allowed to testify in his own defense and made a statement that Iraqis should unify and fight US forces. So what happened the day after these comments? The largest US offensive assault since 2003. It seems like too much of a coincidence.

The US Press Secretary said that Bush did not give the go-ahead for this, but rather the decision was made by commanders in the field. I don't buy it. I think Bush gets operations briefs daily and this was a prepared operation plan for just such an occasion. I mean were the commanders really planning to make this assault on March 16th months ago? If so, one heck of a coincidence.

I am not saying the tactically it was a bad decision because it definitely was not. I think it was perfect. What a response to Saddam's comments. Talk about offensive-thinking. Put down another uprising before it becomes one. Overall, a good operation.


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

Oops. I was thinking Swarmer and wrote Stormer. It was Operation Swarmer.

Friday, March 17, 2006  

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