Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Baseball Classic is a Jewel!

Baseball Classic -- What a jewel this spring has become! I originally thought that this Baseball Classic was going to be a joke and interfere with the fun of Spring Training in Arizona and Florida. I can remember being at Spring training and seeing and talking to all those players up close. That was a blast! I thought that this Baseball Classic would ruin that, but it seems to have done the opposite (at least for B-ball fans like myself).

I can remember talking to Mark McGuire, Mark Grace, VinnyCastilla and many more. I even met Harry Carrey! Most of those are gone or retired, but I did get to see Vinny hit a single in the bottom of the ninth for Mexico as they tried to rally past Chan Ho Park and the Korean team.

How about A-ROD! He had a monster game and hit the game winning, 2-out single in the ninth to win! Amazing. Is it Fall or Spring? (I guess it must be spring because if it was Fall, A-Rod would be choking...right Sean?)

The point is that you all must try to check out a game or two of this Classic. It is definitely turning into one!


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