Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Selectively Living

I saw a headling that read "Lung Cancer claims nonsmoker Dana Reeves". I have many problems with this headline.

First of all, respect is due for Mrs. Reeves. A tough life the past few years.

The problem I have with the headline is the "nonsmoker" part. Why is that there? I mean Kirby Puckett just died too and his headline said, "Stroke claims Kirby Puckett". It didn't say that "Stroke claims nonsmoker Kirby Puckett". Why?

Selective Journalism?

Turns out that 2 of 10 lung cancer deaths are other than smoking related. Much like Dana's tumor in the lungs. Here is the kicker, 1/5th of all strokes are causes by smoking. So maybe Kirby was a smoker? We'll never know because the headline didn't throw it in my face.

If someone had just died of AIDS, would the headline have to be "AIDS claims 'non-gay' person". Because you can die from AIDS without being gay.

Maybe its like any other "ism". Racism. Sexism. Over generalities of human life.

If I see a black person, do I think criminal? Athlete? Wrapper? If I see a Mexican, do I think "illegal alien" or automatically think that a woman would be a housekeeper and a male a crop worker? If I see a woman in a business suit, do I think that she is just trying to act like a man in a man's business world? Feminist? Ism's...if I see lung cancer, I guess this article is saying that we must automatically assume smoking is the reason.

A small thing to notice in this headline, but it happens everyday! Selective Journalism. Selective Surrounding. Selective Living. You almost have to have a secret decoder ring to muddle through all the lights, tricks, and special fog machines.

Give us the truth! Don't select it for us! Let us make our own opinions. Enough already!


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