Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Boring, But Making Waves...

John and I were driving back to our "lives" after a summer in Seattle. We had a pretty good time there for the summer of 94'. It was an adventure at least. Anyway, we split paths on the way back to our "lives" around South Dakota. What a boring drive! If memory serves we just had spent the day viewing Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse. Then he went to Iowa and I went back to Okalahoma. The split was in South Dakota. I remember because up until then the drive was somewhat eventful with Idaho (not that back a country) and Montana (in which John drove like a bat outta hell). Then I woke up early and hit mighty South Dakota and into Nebraska. I have driven thru just about evey state in the United States and South Dakota was soooooo boring, I wanted to shoot myself. The only radio stations were some Indian music(Seinfield quote, "Not that there's anything wrong with that") and talk radio about some church or something...for 5-6 hrs! I tried to make a gas stop to relief the thoughts of driving off the road into a random telephone poll, but I ended up in some Deliverance Prequel Gas Station Scene and the only thing offered was help pumping the gas and warm Coca-cola out back! Ugh!

Well, it seems that little ole' boring South Dakota might not be as boring as previously thought. There may be a South Dakotan Wizard behind Oz as well. It seems that newly appointed Judge Roberts and Alito will be put to the test soon (No, not on the military recruiting approval at major colleges), but on abortion. We all new this was coming. This is the freakin' reason they were put into office by Bush Administration.

South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds signed a bill Monday that bans nearly all abortions in the state -- legislation in direct conflict with the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in 1973.

So it looks as if newly appointed Judges will have to earn their keep (song? Regulators by ????Ugh, you got me again Chris! I can't remember the group, but I think it was in the Young Guns movie?). South Dakota may be boring (like "float"), but time, patience and years may prove to provide a decent return in the end for some.

PS. That one was for my little bro comments on the previous word of the day.


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

What a fucking awesome book. Sorry mom for the language! I guess you read it Chris? Please pick up Malcom Gladwells Tipping Point and Blink. They really blow the mind. Also, I noticed that Freakonomics was still on the bestseller list as 3 or something. For like 50 weeks or something! It is just cool. Sumo Wrestlers. Teachers in Chicago cheating! An undercover writer with drug dealers? Realtors! Awesome perspective on life. I have also order the Freakonomics Teeshirt on the Freakonomics blog. Sorry, but I had to check out other blogs. Anyway, if interested...the blog link is at BTW, the most interesting thing I found in the book was the perspective on the violent crime rate drop in New York. Ya, it has to do with abortion.

Monday, March 06, 2006  
Blogger Steve the Creator said...

I liked Tipping Point better than Blink. I recommend reading it before Blink. Both are good though.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006  

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