Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Word of the Day: Countervailing

Countervail means to to act against with equal force; counteract or offset. I figured that it was like counteract or something, but had never actually seen the word before. ( is good to have on your internet favorates for quick reference.) Anyway, here is the quote from the article on CNN that I saw the countervailing in. It was an article about the new US/India nuclear pact (that's where my boss is now). Here it is:
Despite the potential political fallout from the nuclear deal, there is a lot to gain for both sides from such a deal going ahead, one analyst said.
"The essence of this strategic partnership is to provide a countervailing influence to China ... to act as a restraint on the exercise of Chinese power," security analyst Brahma Chellaney told CNN.
China on Thursday was quick to respond.
Any pact "must meet the requirements and provisions of the nuclear nonproliferation regime and the obligations undertaken by all countries concerned," The Associated Press quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang as saying.

Don't worry out there, the crap I put on here won't always be boring. Every now and then I will put some cool or funny stuff on here to countervail the boring stuff.


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