Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Movies We Don't Ever See

Somewhere -- I get tired of reading or seeing something about some great movie that I'll never get to see. Unless I some how miraculously see it sitting on the shelf when it gets to video. I guess that is what I really liked about Monterey. We had an independent theatre there (Sean likes it...he's seen Brokeback Mountain there 7 times already!). You could catch independent films there and most of the films that were up for Oscars. It is weird that every year, most people don't have a clue on some of the films that are up for Oscars because they are not released anywhere. Certainly not the Red States.

This movie Game 6 was made for about 1 million dollars. Every actor worked for only 100$ a day. It is about a writer that must decide to between going to his premiere or going to Game 6 (the big game where Bill Buckner ruined a lot of dreams). Might be a good flick, but I doubt anyone will see it. Have fun imagining watching this movie.


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

Oh ya, and I think Sean mentioned something about seeing the movie "Rent" 6 or 7 times too. They must be good flicks.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006  
Blogger Steve the Creator said...

BTW, I have seen two awesome movies lately. The last two movies I saw were Syrianna and Munich. Besides Crash, they were both the best movies I saw from last year's line up. I enjoyed Syrianna more than Munich, but both were excellent. They both require some thought by the viewer, which I like.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006  

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