Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Missing White Woman Syndrome

I wrote a piece on this on the "old" blog (before I took up rage as a hobby and deleted it). I was basically spurring thought on why you have to be a murdered or missing blonde, white American good-girl to make headline news. I was JUST talking about this yesterday at lunch with my co-worker as we were watching news on tv. There was another murdered good-girl, Imette St. Guillen. I was talking about how people are murdered everyday (black, latino, etc), but that they never make it to the news because they are "of color". Anyway, I sometimes read Anderson Coopers blog (even though he is a his crybaby coverage of Katrina) and he focused on this exact idea. For an experience perspective from a 30-year newscaster, check it out on this link:


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

You're right (for once). I guess I just saw her picture and she looked white. Maybe this should be just "rich, well-to-do" girls instead. If they are on some honors society or the prom queen or beauty pageant winner, they don't make the cut. Regardless, I still think it is shallow of the media to filter news in this manner.

As far as Katrina, I saw something the other day that made me change the channel. They were interviewing college kids that were down there helping out roofing and repairing. They asked one kid, "why have you learned coming down here to New Orleans to help out"? The kid's (in my opinion prepared) response was, "I have learned that this is the place where the government failed our people and where people like us need to come to to help since the government doesn't care". I don't know what else this kid said because I change the channel.

Thursday, March 16, 2006  

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