Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Monday, October 30, 2006

My first marathon

Washington DC -- Well, I did it. I completed all 26.2 miles. I must say that the last 3.5 miles were the hard part. I had to fight through cramping up to get to the finish. BUT, I did finish. No DNF here!

I was on track to complete the marathon at around 3 hrs 45 minutes at the 22.5 mile mark. Then-- Cramps. I cramped up on my left, lower quad. It wouldn't go away. I was devastated. I cramped up at 3 hrs 15 minutes. It took me 1 hr and 5 minutes to go 4 miles. I was dissapointed and happy that I finished at the same time. Now I know that I can do it. I ended up finishing at 4 hrs and 20 minutes.

It was a beautiful day, I felt great, and I had tons of friends and family there as well rooting me on. It was everything I thought it could be. It was the thrill of my life (except for the cramping!). Anyway, a great experience. Enjoy the pics!