Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Freak hits Vegas

Vegas baby, Vegas -- I believe that Delia and Chris just took a trip to Vegas in the last couple of weeks. I am sure that Chris was playing a little no-limit and I am sure Delia wasn't. However, our linked boy Stephen Levitt wants to know that for those that do do they process their poker decisions and why?

I am not sure if any of you have read the book called Freakonomics, but it is a great one! I may have lent Dad a copy of it...not sure. Anyway, it makes for a very interesting read. It turns out that Stephen Levitt wants to research and write a little on poker players in Vegas for his sequel to the Freakonomics book. Check out the Blog link on this site (not sure if you guys check out the links or not) or check this out: The Freak hits Vegas!. This should be a good sequel to his first book and I'd look for it soon too if I were you.

What I also like is that I have linked on this blog site. On their site, they have started a Daily Blog Watch article. Pretty cool if you are looking for some good business blogs. I really like a value investing blog they have written about, but will do more research before I include it on the blogroll on this site. However, they have written about two of the blogs that I have linked here. One is the Freakonomics blog: Freak hits the Street! and the other one is Mark Cubans blog: Blog Maverick hits the Street!. So, I guess you could say that I was ahead of the Street on recognizing these two blogs. Both are good reads.


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