Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

United 93 soars again

Stuttgart, Germany -- Well, I asked for a good movie and found one aboard the United 93. Beware: bring your patriotic tear box of tissues with you. (Stephen King would hate me for saying that--read back article in Entertainment Weekly a couple of weeks ago--while I am on this side note, those of you that enjoy reading Stephen King books will get a kick out of his weekly one page articles in the back of the magazine ET)

Sorry for the side note, but here's another one: I think that Golden Globe or the Academy will have to give some nods to this movie here. There is just too much emotion not to. It reminded me of watching the Passion of the Christ. It took a single event and took you through the entire thing. It reminded me of when I first watched Saving Private Ryan. Shock and emotion. Powerful. It feels good to remember.

This movie really was like living 9/11 over again. It made me realize how I am proud of John in our Air Force. It made me proud of Keri joining the Navy as a nurse. It made me proud of my parents. It made me proud of all my family, friends and special loved ones. It made me feel proud that I am serving my country. It is a wild ride from the start and really never ends. Two thumbs up from me.


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