Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Stuttgart, Germany -- I watched Superman Sunday night and it was okay. I think it was a bit too lengthy (almost 3 hours long). Where's that editor hiding out at? I also heard somewhere that it was one of the most expensive movies ever made? These summer block-bustered, main-streamed, all-you-can-eat-buffeted', idol-loving, starbucking, pirate movies are getting out of hand! Where's the good stuff?

I guess I am an artsy-fartsy sucker for Nov-Feb to roll around so I can actually see some quality movies. Today should be exciting because I will be seeing United 93. The reviews are good and I think it will make for an interesting story of courage.

Anybody know M. Night Shyamalan? I'll give you a hint here. Anybody know Sixth Sense, Signs, Unbreakable or The Village? Yep...all movies that kick butt in my opinion. AND...movies that have proven million-dollar money makers! I believe that all were movies that opened at number 1.

I find it interesting that Disney gave Shyamalan the shaft and told him that they wouldn't support his new movie. He writes, acts, and directs all of his movies. They have all made millions. All those movies above actually have made around a billion dollars worldwide. Disney movies supported him in making them all. You would think that since whatever he touches turns to gold that they would just say "okay" to anything he decides to make. Nope...he got the shaft.

It just goes to show you that there is no loyalty. They just wanted a movie like Pirates of the Caribbean so they can market it to the mass. How many times have you watched the Academy Awards and never heard of some of the movies that are nominated. Or seen them! This will baffle me for years to come. I just don't understand why good movies never reach the "mass". I guess the same reason that good men and women that enter politics...never end up in office. Money, money...sho' me da' money.

Anyway, Shyamalan's movie called Lady in the Water comes out soon and I don't think it shall disappoint. So, while we battle the summer heat...I await the coolness of the fall and winter so that I can catch a good flick or two.


Blogger Steve the Creator said...

Yep, she was the incredible star in The Village. I love that scene where she reaches out her hand for Pheonix's character. Classic.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006  

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