Life As We Know IT

This blog is designed to discuss ideas between the Shirley Family and friends. Ideas dealing with all aspects of Life are welcome.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Home Run King

San Francisco -- This would happen in your neck of the woods Delia. Home Run King Barry Bonds decided to have some fun and dress up like Paula Abdul for fun. Wow! At least we know he has some sense of humor...even if it is wrong in so many ways. There's your boy Sean.

Google's Wild Ride

Google took a 10% hit today. Last I checked it was down 30$ to around $360 a share. All because one of the owners said at a Merril Lynch conference that Google has probably seen the bulk of its growth already. Wow! These guys have been leary in the past talking about anything that has to do with outlook for the company and when they finally do say something, investors go a-runnin'. I will be anxious to see if there are any downgrades the next few days because of these comments or if the market realizes that it may have been an over-reaction. Goldman Sachs still has a $600 a share price target. Wild ride today anyway!

Civil War

If your not thinking Civil should be. I think that we are officially in the territory of an Iraqi Civil War. The bombing of a major mosque last week was the catalyst. I think that there were blips of civil war before this, but this bombing seems to have set it afire. Last week over 1300 Iraqi's were reported dead because of this violence. I think that we shall see much more in the days, months, and years ahead. Civil War (Good song by Guns & Roses btw).

Oscar Predictions

I thought that since Oscar night is coming up on March 5th, I would give my Oscar Predictions for the major categories. Here they are:

What I think will win
Best Picture: Brokeback Mountain

Best Actor: Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Best Actress: Felicity Huffman

Best Supporting Actor: Paul Giamatti
Best Supporting Actress: Rachel Weisz

Best Director: Ang Lee

What I want to win:
Best Picture: Crash

Best Actor: Terrance Howard
Best Actress: Reece Witherspoon

Best Supporting Actor: Paul Giamatti
Best Supporting Actress: Rachel Weisz

Best Director: Paul Haggis

Monday, February 27, 2006


I saw that autistic kid do his magic on ESPN this morning. Then I saw mom and dad's email about the link. I have seen it about 3 times now and it still gives me chills. So, I thought I would post it too. Here it is: Enjoy!

Second Chances

I am having withdrawls here by not having a blog. So, I decided that even though no one has time to post or comment that much...I enjoy posting and discussing things anyway. And away we go...